How Much House Can I Afford?
Tired of paying rent, but unsure if you can really afford a house? With average house prices continuing to climb in Massachusetts, you may wonder just how much you'll be able to stretch your budget to afford a starter home.
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Can I Refinance my Auto Loan?
Whether you drove off the lot with a new minivan or a used compact car, chances are you borrowed money to buy your new wheels. Even if you bought a used car, your loan probably requires a healthy monthly payment.
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Why Choose a Credit Union Rather Than a Bank?
If you need to open a checking account, finance your college education, purchase a car or buy your first home, you'll want to work with an institution that can help you achieve your goals. With so many options available, it can be hard to choose a lender. However, the type of institution you join could ultimately determine whether you get competitive rates, better loan terms, and personalized attention.
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Entrepreneurs and Startups: Dream Big with an SBA Loan
Your landscaping business is cleaning up in 2021. If only you had enough money for another piece of equipment, you could take on even more clients. But you need access to capital - right now--to do so. More than 90% of small business owners would like access to a line of credit, but fewer than 5% will qualify for one. However, there are other options available for startups, entrepreneurs, and early-stage business owners like you.
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How to Set Up Direct Deposit and Its Benefits
Depositing your paycheck, Social Security benefits, and other recurring payments once required a visit to your nearest St. Mary's Credit Union branch or ATM. Today, direct deposit makes it easy to automatically receive these payments in your checking or savings account without leaving home.
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